But anyways - Life's been interesting the last week. I got promoted to supervisor recently at work and had been covering for small shift, mostly while the supervisor was on the hour break etc. but this last weekend I was asked to work a full shift opening a closing the pool on saturday and sunday.
It was all going ok, till this little girl decided that it didnt matter if she couldn't swim, she would try to make it in the 1.5 meter (41/2 ft) part of the wave pool, with the waves on high I might add. I had 2 amazing lifeguards posted on the pool and they through their panicked state got her out. The buoy with the rope got thrown in (rope and all) which didnt help much so in went the lifeguard (she's so awesome).

the rest of the day was fine.....
then came sunday..... all was ok till the races at the meet started. It was about the 2nd race when I see a little girl dive off the starting blocks for the race and suddenly start flailing. Apparently.... being able to swim is not a pre-requisite of a Swimming race.... Go figure. When all this happened, I was at the other side of the 50m pool. 50m has never taken so long to run. By the time I got there one of the officials had already pulled her out.
hyperventilating much?
But that was ok, then my managers both showed up, one for a swim and the other to make himself feel important because the swim meet was on. Just then, an elderly lady (late 60's) collapsed. She came to right away but was very frightened and suddenly had to vomit, so we rolled his into the recovery position and waited for the ambulance, 3 mins has never seemed so long.
But alls well that ends well. She was ok, but they took her to the ambulance to put her on a cardiac (heart) monitor for a bit.
So yeah, after a year of working at the pool, something happens while i'm around, and of course... it the first time I'm in charge by myself.
Scary stuff really, but it became funny when my manager kept apologizing.
Right, so I've officially posted. Good luck to Havie, Vede and the rest who have finals looming - you're almost there - if I was there I'd be busting out the homemade cookies and making coffee rounds. Love you guys - cant wait to see you both.